Donation from Hall Financial Advisors Puts MCF Over Halfway Point In Its ‘$60K For 6 Campaign’

Hall Financial Advisors present $6,000 check to Marietta Community Foundation.

Hall Financial Advisors present $6,000 check to Marietta Community Foundation.

Marietta, OH– Marietta Community Foundation recently announced the start of the ‘$60K For 6’ campaign aimed to support the six school districts of Washington County. Now, thanks to twenty community donations and a major corporate partner, The Hall Financial Advisor Giving Foundation, MCF has officially surpassed the halfway point toward their goal of raising $60,000.

“In just three weeks we have already seen an outpouring of generosity from our community,” said Heather Allender, President & CEO of MCF. “With the additional gift from The Hall Financial Advisor Giving Foundation, that has put us over the $30,000-halfway point in our campaign!”

On Monday afternoon a spokesperson for Hall Financial Advisors reached out to the Foundation to inform them that the local business was prepared to donate $1,000 per Washington County School District; $6,000 total.

“This community has given us so much,” said Chris Hall, Managing Principal of Hall Financial Advisors, LLC. “It is our responsibility to give back to our community. Our local students are going to face a lot of challenges this school year… we want to take away some of the strain so they can focus on their own success.”

The $6,000 gift from Hall Financial will be matched by the Foundation bringing the gift’s total to $12,000, and the overall campaign total to $30,900.

“We hope that our gift will inspire others that are in a position to give to help support our local school systems in a time of need,” said Hall.

The ‘$60K For 6’ campaign is a proactive campaign by MCF. With the goal of raising $60,000 to be dispersed evenly between each Washington County School District, funds can be used for a variety of purposes, including; cleaning supplies, PPE, technology, daily meals for remote students, student success, and/or mental health services.

“Generosity is what our community is built upon,” said Allender. “It’s what makes Washington County the best in all of Ohio. In my 13 years at the Foundation, not once have our community members lacked generosity… they always support those in need. Whether it’s an individual or a local business, we all take care of each other”

Marietta Community Foundation works to improve Washington County through grants and initiatives, if you want to help our local students and educators have a safe and effective reopening, please contact Heather Allender at 740-373-3286 or