Inspiring Community: Sandra and Sylvia Young

Sandra Lee Young and Sylvia Lee Young were more than identical twins. Together, they built one of the finest school-aged art programs in Ohio.

In 1961, Warren High School hired Sylvia as the art teacher. To the school’s surprise, Sandra showed up with her on the first day and didn’t leave until she was offered a position teaching art at Barlow-Vincent Elementary.

For the next fifty-two years, Sandra and Sylvia shared their passion for art with hundreds of youngsters and teens.

In a Marietta Times article, Sandra was quoted, “We were scared because we had no teaching experience, so I came to help Sylvia. We worked one-half days, but of course only Sylvia was paid.” Soon those half-days became full-time positions.

After Sandra’s retirement from Barlow-Vincent Elementary in 2011, she again joined her “twinny” at the high school for two more years of working side-by-side. “We started together…we’re ending together,” Sandra said.

When Sandra passed away in 2019, a significant number of their former students shared stories and condolences online.

“Ms. Young was my first art teacher… the first one to see in me something others had not seen or had not told me… a talent. She encouraged me to practice and grow as an artist. She never let me get away with being lazy. She pushed me. She was why I loved being at school. I became an artist thanks so much to her encouragement.” – Kristen Johnson

“She truly cared about her passion and craft. Art class was something we all looked forward to having. It was fun, it was creative, it was happiness, and that’s solely because she lived in happiness. She was never afraid to be herself, which inspired countless amounts of kids to be who they are and comfortable in their own skin,” said Collin Yost. “The amount of effort her and sissy put into creating our school’s “Art Show” was next-level, and it genuinely set the precedent for all the schools in the surrounding area and for future generations of teachers.”

“Our Legacy” is believed to be written by Sandra. This notation was scribed on the final page of the twins’ joint six-page resume.

The Young twins left a legacy that will never be duplicated but will inspire the community to live long and prosper for generations.

Named in honor of their love for Star Trek, the Sandra Lee Young and Sylvia Lee Young Enterprise Fund was established and funded through the Young estate at Marietta Community Foundation to benefit multiple organizations in perpetuity.

Recently Marietta Community Foundation published several stories of local families and organizations in the 2021 Annual Report: Inspiring Community. Each of these families has a unique background and perspective, but they all share an inspiring love for our community.